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16 November 2016

Organic food law expected to come into force in Belarus in 2017

A law on organic food may come into force in Belarus in 2017, BelTA learned from Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Leonid Zayats on 15 November.

The law may start working in November 2017, said the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister.

The official explained that plans had been made to determine the term "organic food". "We have to decide what organic food is. We should decide whether the term applies to meat products or agricultural products and we should extend state support to the relevant producers," said Leonid Zayats.

According to the official, organic food is highly appreciated and sells well all over the world. Speaking about prospects of enforcing the law, the Agriculture and Food Minister noted that the law will be applicable to a limited amount of food products. "We need to grow about 10 million tonnes of cereals in order to feed the nation. This is why the bulk of arable farming has to be ecologically intensive. It should not harm the environment while making quality products without relying heavily on toxic chemicals, pesticides, nitrates and so on," said Leonid Zayats.